Friday, August 15, 2008

Secret Life of Green

What is the Secret Life of Green? It is a movement of unexpected eco-activity coming from the most unlikely group of characters: Old skool oil tycoons investing in alternative energy, ethical fashionistas who want sexy style, investment bankers turned natural capitalists, Christian Evangelist preachers with solar powered churches, Iraqi Vets finding green collar jobs, republican neighbors driving Priuses, 8 year old organic agriculture students in the South Bronx.... and the list goes on.

Hi, I am Margaret. I'm a freelance green writer living in New York City. I get paid to write about these secret lives of green; How cool is that? Many might think these examples are fringe exceptions, but I think it's time to expose the truth: Americans are working for Change. We are creating solutions on the ground; in universities, dance clubs, restaurants, factories, boardrooms, nail salons, gyms, and in our homes.

This website is a portal to see these stories of fresh and objectively awesome change. Through blog entries, videos, photos, and podcasts, I hope to let the cat out of the bag, spill the beans, and altogether expose the secret that green solutions are cropping up everywhere, and we can all be part of this Change.

I also hope to document my journeys to find these stories so that everyone can come with me, and sometimes my friends, as we discover the Secret Life of Green.

This means I need your help! Please send stories of green awesomeness to and help me further expose the Secret Life of Green.